
Access BrownBuys
BrownBuys is accessed through Workday by typing "Connect to Supplier Website" in the search bar.
Shopping in BrownBuys is similar to shopping online, and offers many benefits:
- Access to multiple Strategic Supplier catalogs in one place with favorable pricing and approved contractual terms. Placing an order through BrownBuys eliminates the need to request a new supplier or submit a quote with terms and conditions through BCM for a contract review request.
- It is easy to identify and place orders for discounted contracted items.
- Required approvals automatically routed in Workday for orders of $3K or more.
- Electronic ordering and invoicing are completed automatically in Workday eliminating the need to reconcile Pcard transactions for orders that previously would have been placed using a Pcard.
- Supplier performance and contract is actively managed by SPC’s Strategic Sourcing Team.
BrownBuys Suppliers
BrownBuys Suppliers are Strategic Suppliers, which indicates that the University has negotiated competitive pricing, favorable business terms, and/or appropriate legal terms and conditions with the suppliers and that these contracts are actively managed by SPC’s Strategic Sourcing Team.
The following Strategic Suppliers are live and available for processing orders in BrownBuys:
- Agilent – Lab supplies
- America To Go – catering/food
- B&H Photo Video
- BioRad – Lab supplies
- Connection – IT supplies
- Dell – IT supplies
- Fisher Scientific – lab supplies
- Genesee Scientific
- Graybar – IT supplies / industrial supplies
- Life Technologies (ThermoFisher Scientific – Invitrogen) – Lab supplies
- Qiagen – Lab supplies
- Sigma Aldrich – Lab supplies
- VWR – Lab supplies
- WB Mason – Office supplies
Reminder – BrownBuys orders & remote working: Orders should not be placed with WB Mason or other BrownBuys suppliers if no one will be on campus to receive them at the location they are being delivered to. Departments should not be contacting BrownBuys suppliers to make special delivery arrangements, as individual requests cannot be accommodated.
Questions about BrownBuys can be directed to Procurement@Brown.edu.
BrownBuys Training Information
A Job Aid is available through Workday Learning:
SPC can provide educational sessions upon request. During these sessions, BrownBuys subject matter experts can be available to help with any questions you may have and provide assistance in using BrownBuys.