Strategic Procurement and Contracts

Strategic Suppliers

Strategic Procurement & Contracts (SPC) has established relationships and negotiated university-wide contracts with suppliers that include favorable terms and volume-based discounted pricing on the most commonly purchased goods and services.

Strategic Suppliers (including those for which there is a punchout catalog in the BrownBuys E-Procurement Marketplace in Workday) are those with whom there is a university-wide contract that is centrally managed by SPC's Strategic Sourcing Team following a competitive process or direct negotiation. 

Competitive Bids

Strategic Suppliers and contracts (including those for which there is a catalog in the BrownBuys e-Marketplace in Workday) are actively managed by the Strategic Sourcing Team in SPC. While competitive bidding/quotes are always encouraged at any level of spend and required at $25K, purchases from Strategic Suppliers do not require competitive bidding/quotes, unless what is being purchased from that supplier is not covered under the contract that is in place and that was already awarded as the result of a competitive bid. 

Wherever applicable, purchases should be directed to the Strategic Suppliers list to aggregate Brown’s spend, optimize value to the University, and ensure alignment with University requirements and priorities.

Other Supplier Relationships

There may be individual departments that have established relationships and agreements in place with suppliers that are specific to that department's needs and/or area of oversight. Since these are not University-wide or applicable to the majority, they might not be listed below and may or may not fall under SPC's definition of strategic supplier. 

Other Relationships